Is Lyrica right for your Nerve Pain? Talk to your doctor
Lyrica Lyrica, which is generically known as pregabalin is an anticonvulsant that works by delaying the brain impulses that cause seizures. Additionally, Lyrica slows down or temporarily eliminates “pain messages” in the nervous system. Why is Lyrica Prescribed As it...
Confused about Generic Drugs? Peter Rice, PharmD, PhD, explains
Generic Drugs When I opened the internet yesterday, MSN/money had a piece on the “Five Best Things to Buy Generic”: breakfast cereal, spices and seasonings, diapers, gasoline and medications. As a pharmacist, I knew medications would be on the list. But I also know...
Vyvanse is often used for ADHD
Vyvanse Vyvanse, generically known as lisdexamfetamine is a medication that stimulates the central nervous system. It works by affecting the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for impulse control and impulse control. Why Vyvanse Is Prescribed Vyvanse is...
Support for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Biking for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) I started biking about six years ago and have worked up from just a few miles to longer events. I rode recently in the Colorado BikeMS ride, the ride to benefit multiple sclerosis. As for many charity rides, bikers raise money in...