Pain is a monster #withDavida Living with pain chronically can limit your quality of life and even lead to depression. It’s also very personal as every one has a different threshold to the amount they can bare. I’m thinking of one of my musical idols, Prince who...
Sneaky Ways to add Vegetables For some, eating vegetables falls into the same category as eating worms….not happening. We know that they have incredible health benefits, but the benefits don’t always trump the fact that they’re vegetables! Here are some ways to get...
The Truth About Carbohydrates A large portion of my client population includes individuals with weight loss goals. That’s not surprising, as the topic of weight loss never ceases to consume magazines, media, food marketing , etc. There is always a new diet,...
My Other Clinical Rule on Drug Therapy I wrote recently about what I call Clinical Rule #1: a patient who is doing well is likely doing well. I often invoke this rule when someone is looking to worry a simple patient situation into a serious one. But that is not my...
A Beginners Exercise Guide to Getting Strong & Fit #withDavida As the temperature goes up and the days get longer the panic increases. How can I hurry and look good in my swimsuit? A gym member approached me the other day asking how to get rid of back fat. I hate...
Last week, we discussed the Paleo Diet. On the complete opposite spectrum is the Vegan Diet. Veganism has flooded Hollywood so much that Carrie Underwood, Ellen Degeneres, Al Gore, and even Mike Tyson, among countless others advocate its benefits. Is it just Hollywood...
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