The Low Down on Calcium
Calcium is a mineral that most of us have been quite familiar with since childhood thanks to “Got Milk?” commercials and reminders that we need calcium to “build strong bones.” We have more calcium in our body than any other mineral. We’re told to drink milk because...
Vitamin D2 vs D3: What’s the Difference?
Vitamin D has been a “hot topic” recently— especially due to COVID. Studies have shown that having low serum Vitamin D levels can increase susceptibility to upper respiratory infections while supplementing may help boost the body’s ability to fight off infection as...
Health Benefits of Tuna
Health Benefits of Tuna The soggy, smelly, tuna-fish sandwich deserves another chance. I remember in elementary school hating the days when my mom sent me with tuna sandwiches. The moisture would soak through the wheat bread forming a dark, soggy dent in the middle....