Fitness for Life #withDavida If you take fitness classes you are probably familiar with the people who line up early for the class to get a certain spot and will give the evil eye to anyone trying to move in on their space. My fitness friend, Paula is one of them and...
Eat Your Fiber! Fiber is one of those things that we know we’re supposed to consume, but most of us don’t really pay attention to how much we’re truly getting. Soluble fiber is beneficial for keeping you fuller longer and also helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol....
Fueling for Exercise This is the time of year when many begin to ramp up their exercise routine. When the weather is nice it’s great to find any excuse to get outside! Exercise provides a multitude of benefits ranging from cardiovascular health, assistance in weight...
Massage Away Your Fitness Pains #withDavida Signs of aging reared its ugly head several years ago. A sway back and unbalanced sitting habits wore my body unevenly and regular high impact activity finally started showing its effects. Not good for an active...
More than just Water We all know that water intake is important, but do you know how much is recommended and why? Ideally, you should aim for ½ your body weight in oz of water per day. It serves many functions in the body: it assists the kidney in flushing toxins,...
Forced to Follow My Own Advice At the end of the semester I was working way too hard finishing up grading for two pharmacy courses. It surprised me one evening that my eyes seemed unusually dry and I wondered if I was coming down with something. Usually I have a...
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