Should You Cool Down? #withDavida My daughter’s swim coach reminded me the importance of the cool down. After my 12 year old exerts her self in a 50-meter free style sprint her coach requires she get back in the pool and swim leisurely a few laps before she goes home....
Celiac, Autoimmunity and the Autoimmune Protocol When I was first diagnosed with Celiac disease in 2011, my only instructions were to eliminate gluten from my diet. Since these instructions seemed pretty benign, I thought that I could get away with mostly cutting out...
Squeeze Your Bandhas! #withDavida Engage your core and bandhas! You may hear this command from instructors or trainers. Why? What does it really mean? Squeeze your tummy? Tighten your butt? Well, partly. Your core includes way more than your abdominal and back...
Beat the Afternoon Slump We’ve all experienced the “afternoon slump.” It usually occurs between 2 and 4 pm and is characterized by a strong desire to crawl up in a ball and go to sleep. This sudden drop in energy is multi-faceted. If you’ve been staring at a computer...
Lola the Dog … and Patient The spots we noticed last weekend on Lola’s belly are called petechiae (pet-ee-kee-aye) and are a sign of a bleeding abnormality. Not good. Pharmacists watch for these in patients taking anticoagulants. It all started about a month ago....
What You Need to Know for the Upcoming Flu Season Flu season is almost here and retail pharmacies have started advertising for flu shots. Should you get vaccinated? If you are over 6 months of age, the answer is yes! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
In addition to discounts on your prescription drugs, you may be able to receive a discount on your over the counter medications such as vitamins or nasal spray.
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