Prednisone: Dr. Peter J. Rice
The Byrne Clan Reunion and Help from Prednisone When the biblical character Samson was old and had lost his strength, he found himself praying “strengthen me, I beg you, only this once, O God”. When patients find themselves needing a good day, the drug prednisone can...
Amlodipine: Dr. Peter J. Rice
Amlodipine An 83 year old Iowa woman in an assisted living facility recently had what appeared to be either a petit mal seizure or a transient ischemic attack. She was sitting in front of the TV when suddenly she was detached and unresponsive. Her physician...
Statins: Are they Right For You? Dr. Peter Rice
Choosing Between two Goods – Statin Use and Exercise I need to come out of hiding. For as long as I can remember, I have had high cholesterol. Back in the day, the target for cholesterol was less than “200 plus your age”: I was usually at or just slightly above...
Is Testosterone Good or Bad?: Dr. Peter Rice
Testosterone – Good or Bad? I believe that we absorb our world view during our youth, and carry that with us unchanged unless we make some effort to question our beliefs. My underlying assumptions about the pharmacology of sex steroids were recently challenged. It...