How should I take my medication?
Knowing how to take your prescription medication is key to your recovery and improve your health outcomes of your condition(s). Taking multiple medications throughout the day, week, or month can become overwhelming. Patients often find themselves asking questions...
How long can medication be used after the expiration date?
It’s happened to all of us hasn’t it? You catch a cough or cold and reach for the cold remedies in your medicine cabinet only to find the cough syrup or cold pills you both 2 years ago has expired and you ask yourself, “Is this stuff still going to work?”. Generally...
Why Should You Get A Flu Shot?
Every year the United States is hit with the flu season, and 2020 is no exception. The flu and coronavirus (COVID-19) will be circulating in the coming months, so it is more important than ever to get a flu shot and protect yourself and your loved ones. The flu is a...
How to Transfer Your Prescriptions to a Different Pharmacy
There are a variety of reasons you may need to know how to transfer your prescriptions to a different pharmacy. Maybe you found a better price at another pharmacy, you’re looking for a pharmacy closer to your job, or you’ve moved to a new location. Regardless of what...