Metabolism: How Is Yours?
Is Your Metabolism Weighing You Down? #withDavida I overheard some ladies chatting at Starbucks about their weight and diet. You know the usual stuff we girls complain about. But then I heard one person sigh and blame their extra weight on having a slow metabolism, a...
Tips to Help with Sore Muscles
Sore Muscles? Here’s Some Relief After Your Workout #withDavida Sore Muscles scare many people away from exercise. If they do finally mount the courage to brave the gym, they lift very light weights and try not to exert themselves too much. But when using your...
Butt Lift Workout Tips
Simple Butt Lift Workouts #withDavida What part of your body do you like the least? If you’re female there’s a good chance you said your butt. I was recently asked to participate as an instructor on a television show segment encouraging people to use the stairs. In...