How Long Do You Have To Fill A Prescription? The prescription you receive from your doctor is valid for 1 year from the date it is written however the pharmacists may use their professional judgement to determine whether the prescription should still be used. If you...
Guidelines for Your Travel Medicine Whether you’re traveling out of the country or domestically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you put together a health kit for your trips and your travel medicine. When you travel make sure you don’t...
Health Insurance Options when: “I’ve Lost my insurance, now what?” If you’ve recently lost your health insurance through your employer or have been dropped by your insurance carrier there are health insurance options available to you for Medical Care and...
My Hernia Story #1 An inguinal hernia is a weakness or separation of muscles in the abdomen that allows abdominal tissue – typically fat or intestines – to move where it shouldn’t ought to be. Sometimes the hernia can come and go without symptoms. Sometimes the hernia...
Take Care of YOU! Especially during this busy Holiday, it’s important to remember to take care of your health! Get the necessary rest, eat healthy and take your prescribed medications! It is so important for you to enjoy this Holiday with family and friends!...
In addition to discounts on your prescription drugs, you may be able to receive a discount on your over the counter medications such as vitamins or nasal spray.
Call 877-684-0032 for help.