Is Vazalore better than regular aspirin?
Aspirin is a medication that has been around for a very long time. It was patented by Bayer in the 1800s but was used in different forms for decades prior. It is used for a variety of indications. Some people use aspirin for aches and pains, but it also serves as an...
FDA Green-lights Generic NuvaRing
There are many different forms of birth control, also known as contraception. Many forms of birth control utilize hormonal treatments, but not all of them. The copper IUD (intrauterine device) and condoms are just a couple examples of non-hormonal forms birth control....
Should I be using Preservative-Free Artificial Tears?
Lubricating eye drops, also known as artificial tears, are a mainstay of dry eye management in clinical practice. Dry eye is one of the most common eye conditions worldwide, and affects people of all ages. As discussed in previous blogs, dry eye comes in three main...
FDA Warning on Some OTC Pain Meds
FDA warns about hidden drug ingredients in certain supplements for pain If you use supplements to help with your pain, this warning could be for you. In April 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released another warning about supplements branded for...