ClickCease The Easy Drug Card Promise To Our Members | Our Promise

Our Promise

Our PROMISE to our members:

In this day and age we all want to be assured our information is kept safe and confidential. We treat the security of the information you provide us with the utmost importance, and you can rely on us to protect it. We hope this page provides the answers to all your security concerns but if we have left something out please let us know!

What information do you collect and why?

First and foremost rest assured we will never rent, sell, or disclose your information to anyone! Although none of your information is required to get a card, we want to provide as much value as possible. We use your name to personalize your card and use your email address to send you helpful savings tips from time to time. Every email we send out provides you the option to opt-out at any time.

We use your address information to validate our marketing efforts. If we advertise in your town but do not see a significant increase in downloads from your area we know we need to make some advertising changes.

What prescription information do you collect from the pharmacy?

It is important to know we do NOT directly process prescription claims. Pharmacies send their prescription claims electronically to a separate company called a claims processor to determine your exact savings. Your prescription health information is confidential and covered under the federal Health Insurance Portibility and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). This information stays secure between you, the pharmacy, and the claims processing company. Pharmacy claims do NOT include personal identifying information such as names, addresses or social security numbers – they are simply not needed to process pharmacy claims to provide you a discount.

What is the catch and why are you offering the card for free?

Pharmacies know the value of their shoppers and want you as their customer. Pharmacies pay a small flat transaction processing fee for virtually every pharmacy claim processed in the country. We collect a portion of this fee from our claims processor in order to support our program and only get paid when you save. It is a win, win, win situation. Our cardholders win by slashing their drug costs, the pharmacies win when you shop at their stores, and we win by collecting a piece of the transaction fee. What could be better than that?

Feel free to use our drug pricing tool to estimate the price you will pay at the pharmacy near you. We can show you where you can save the most when using our card.