Testosterone: Dr. Peter J. Rice
I recall one of the dialogues in which the students of Socrates – the legendary Greek philosopher – ask an older man what it is like to be old and closer to death. The response is not the sad response you’d expect, but rather an explanation that there are...
Statin Drugs: Dr. Peter Rice
Why is it that uncommon drug responses, such as Statin Drugs often run in families? When we last visited, I told of a woman who experienced the same unusual drug response with her sister. We noted that many disease states can be passed along from parents to...
Did You Inherit a Medical Condition? Dr. Peter Rice
Do You Know What Conditions you may inherit? So much happens at the National Western Stock Show. For those who missed last week’s blog, the NWSS is an exhibition of all things cowboy held in Denver each January. In addition to stock shows, there are rodeos, wild west...
Cold Season — Dr. Peter J. Rice
“The Pharmacist’s Family Has No Drugs” You may have heard the old saying, “The cobbler’s children have no shoes”. I could not help but think of that last week when I got a text from my wife, Sandy – “I have an ear ache”. We had visited the grandson over...