Medical Events: Dr. Peter Rice
Dr. Rice’s Clinical Medical Rule #1 Life medical events happen all the time and can leave us having to decide whether to tough it out or head to an urgent care center or hospital emergency department. When I get calls from family or friends or patients, I almost...
Itchy Skin: Dogs and Humans
My Favorite (Itchy Skin) Dog I am allergic to dogs. I can feel it in my breathing, and I wash my hands after touching dogs to keep from getting a rash. My four children grew up without a dog, although at one time or another we had a pet bunny, a goldfish, and a...
Ears and Air Travel: Dr. Peter J. Rice
Developing compassion for Traveling Babies and their Ears I was recovering from a cold last week. It started on Monday with a strange feeling that I was cold and coming down with something. I was miserable on Tuesday and Wednesday. By Thursday, I was feeling better...
Narcolepsy: Dr. Peter J. Rice
Daytime Sleepiness – Meeting a Patient with Narcolepsy People love talking about their health and medicines. During my recent visit to Baltimore for the American Pharmacists Association, I was cold. I always expect the Washington, DC – Baltimore area to be...