Pharmacists Provide Medication Advice It is evident that many Americans are taking prescription drugs. Statistics from the CDC website show that almost half of the population in the United States has used at least one prescription medication in the previous 30...
Cheap Genetic Answers About Your Health Risks As a science nerd, I have been thinking for some time about taking one of the genetic tests that is available online, like 23andMe, or These tests are painless, cost around $100, and give you an idea of your...
Lola the Dog … and Patient The spots we noticed last weekend on Lola’s belly are called petechiae (pet-ee-kee-aye) and are a sign of a bleeding abnormality. Not good. Pharmacists watch for these in patients taking anticoagulants. It all started about a month ago....
What You Need to Know for the Upcoming Flu Season Flu season is almost here and retail pharmacies have started advertising for flu shots. Should you get vaccinated? If you are over 6 months of age, the answer is yes! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
ZIKA virus It surprised me when my wife and I went to donate blood and we were asked about Zika Virus. If you’re like me, you’ve wondered where this new disease came from and how it came to be such a threat now. If mankind can control the Ebola virus, how does the...
Leg Cramps II When we last visited, I was telling how I woke up one night during my recent Erie Canal biking adventure with excruciating leg cramps. Never before had I appreciated the urgency that patients might have when they ask their pharmacist, “Hey doc, do you...
In addition to discounts on your prescription drugs, you may be able to receive a discount on your over the counter medications such as vitamins or nasal spray.
Call 877-684-0032 for help.