What can you do to get rid of heat rash?
What is heat rash? When a person is sweating a lot, a rash can develop on the skin that is called a heat rash. The medical name for heat rash is miliaria crystallina or miliaria rubra. Heat rash is also called prickly heat. The rash may look like a small cluster of...
Pepcid vs Prilosec – which one is for me?
Are you suffering from occasional heartburn symptoms – a burning sensation in your lower chest that moves up to your neck or throat? Or do you experience indigestion – discomfort in your stomach or upper abdomen, frequent burping, bloating, or feeling full...
Does Birth Control Help With Acne? Best Birth Control for Acne
Despite using a variety of acne treatments, are you still suffering from spots and blemishes? Are you also having trouble clearing acne on your chest or back? Are you asking yourself, does birth control help with acne? If you answered yes to any of these questions,...
Topical Treatments for Onychomycosis (Nail Fungus)
Onychomycosis is the medical word for a chronic fungal infection of the toenails or fingernails. Toenail fungus most often occurs in adults, but also can occur in children. Signs and symptoms of nail fungus• Nail discoloration• Extra skin cells growing between the...